Dealing with Jealousy in Polyamory
I’ll let you into a little secret. Jealousy doesn’t have to rule your life. While we might not be able to avoid it, there’s a trick you can learn to dismantle the power it has over you.

(Another) 10 Words You Should Know Coming Into Polyamory
Another delve into the language of ethical non-monogamy.

How To Make Polyamory Work for You When Things Get Hard
Ethical non-monogamy isn't a homogeneous blob. When you decide to move beyond monogamy, you don't simply take off one suit and put on another. And herein lies the problem. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of what ethical non-monogamy is.
So I want to talk about something I call The Polyamory Sweetshop.

How Do I Ask Out My Friend’s Girlfriend?
While it’s not a deal-breaker in polyamory, can you suppose ask out your friend's girlfriend when that friend is right there?

Red Flags in Polyamory: Refusing Labels
While it's fine that someone may want to avoid using certain labels in polyamory, refusing to use any at all is a Polyamory Red Flag.

Red Flags in Polyamory: Pushy/Pressurised Polyamory
There can be a fine line between encouraging someone to try something new and pressuring them into something they don't want to do. This is why you need to be aware of the Polyamory Red Flag of Pushy or Pressurised Polyamory.

Red Flags in Polyamory: Pretend/Uncertain Polyamory
Sometimes, when you're certain about something, it can be difficult to see that other people don't feel the same way.

Red Flags in Polyamory: One-Sided Polyamory
It doesn't matter why or how polyamory can become one-sided. All that matters is the Red Flag things are becoming toxic.

Red Flags in Polyamory: Aggressive Fairness
While fairness between relationships seems like a no-brainer, it's very easy for this line of thinking to become toxic if you go about it the wrong way.

Is Monogamy Always Toxic?
Does monogamy’s history mean it can never be anything other than a tool of the Patriarchy?

Everyone Wanted Her, But No One Wanted Me
If only I’d known this was the most difficult part of being non-monogamous

“Rules” vs “Agreements” in Polyamorous Relationships
You should avoid hurting your partner because you don't want to, not because you can't.

6 Green Flags in Polyamory
How to tell if someone is ready for polyamory, and has your best interests in mind

Can We Please Leave Non-Monogamy Out of The Will Smith / Chris Rock Drama?
Those of us who have chosen to be ambassadors for this lifestyle are left sighing in frustration.

Do I Have To Make Friends With My Metamour?
How close should you be with your partner’s other partner?

6 Relationship Models You Need to Know
There is no “right” way to create a polyamorous relationship, so let explore some of the many different options available.

Does Monogamy Even Exist?
It might be time to change the way we define relationships and step away from traditional ideas.

Polyamory Week 2022 - We are all polyamorous
And today, for our last post, I wanted to talk about one of the most universal lessons I've taken on board: the fact we are all polyamorous.

Polyamory Week 2022 - Monogamy and Polyamory are the same thing
There’s a big secret about the polyamorous lifestyle. And I believe I’ve uncovered it. And, once you know it, it blows the whole monogamy versus polyamory debate wide open.
Polyamory and monogamy are the same thing!

Polyamory Week 2022 - Relationships Skills = Universal Life Skills
How I came to the realisation that my job had taught me the skills needed for polyamory.