What Is Hierarchical Polyamory (And Is It Toxic)?

What Is Hierarchical Polyamory (And Is It Toxic)?

While Hierarchical Polyamory can be used as a tool of control, I don't believe it is inherently toxic. It is possible to create healthy, ethical, hierarchical polyamorous relationships. But that can only work if people understand what they are getting into. 

So, let's take a moment to explore the concept of Hierarchical Polyamory and whether or not it's always unethical.

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Polyamory Does Not Equal Consent

Polyamory Does Not Equal Consent

If you have ever had a partner use an argument along the lines of "Well, you agreed to an open relationship, so what I did was fine," then they are not thinking about you as a person but as a tool to fulfil their needs and fantasies.

They are not looking at you as a human being but as an object to be manipulated and used.

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Red Flags in Polyamory: Pushy/Pressurised Polyamory

Red Flags in Polyamory: Pushy/Pressurised Polyamory

There can be a fine line between encouraging someone to try something new and pressuring them into something they don't want to do. This is why you need to be aware of the Polyamory Red Flag of Pushy or Pressurised Polyamory.

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