What is Compersion?

What is Compersion?

If there is one word you will find yourself seeing a lot when you start your journey into polyamory, it will be the word "compersion". But what exactly is compersion, and why is it such a big part of people's discussions about ethical non-monogamy? Let’s take a closer look at it, its relationship with jealousy, and how it might be the key to healthier relationships. 

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Red Flags in Polyamory: Pushy/Pressurised Polyamory

Red Flags in Polyamory: Pushy/Pressurised Polyamory

There can be a fine line between encouraging someone to try something new and pressuring them into something they don't want to do. This is why you need to be aware of the Polyamory Red Flag of Pushy or Pressurised Polyamory.

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