What is Compersion?
If there is one word you will find yourself seeing a lot when you start your journey into polyamory, it will be the word "compersion". But what exactly is compersion, and why is it such a big part of people's discussions about ethical non-monogamy? Let’s take a closer look at it, its relationship with jealousy, and how it might be the key to healthier relationships.

Yes, You Can Feel Jealousy and Compersion at the Same Time
You don't need to wait until you've defeated jealousy before you can start enjoying ethical non-monogamy.

What is a One Penis Policy, And Why is it Bad?
Believe it or not, there is a difference between a One Penis Policy and a relationship dynamic with only one penis.

How to Deal With Jealousy in Polyamory
What’s the trick to dealing with jealousy in polyamory? How do we go about combatting that nasty feeling that holds us back from experiencing the joys of compersion?

How to Find Compersion in Polyamory
Compersion in polyamory may be difficult, but it is never impossible. And, if you do the work and open yourself to the idea, then compersion may appear when you least expect it.

Dealing with Jealousy in Polyamory
I’ll let you into a little secret. Jealousy doesn’t have to rule your life. While we might not be able to avoid it, there’s a trick you can learn to dismantle the power it has over you.

What To Do When Your Partner Is Dating Other People, But You’re Not
When I was first exploring non-monogamy with my partner, we had very different experiences. While she found plenty of interest, I was left with none.

Polyamory Week 2021: How Do Break-Ups Work In Polyamory?
Breaking up affects everyone involved, and in non-monogamy, there are more people involved than we’re used to.

Polyamory Week 2021: Envy and Imbalanced Relationships
Couples often find polyamory at different speeds, and you need to be prepared to deal with jealousy.

Polyamory Week 2021: Red Flags
What are the most common red flags in polyamory? Because being polyamorous doesn’t mean you can avoid getting hurt in relationships.

Polyamory Week 2021: The People Who Pick Sides
Neither Polyamory nor Monogamy is inherently better than the other, and some people need to stop seeing it as a battle that needs to be fought.