How Important Is The Reason We’re Polyamorous?
Because if polyamory is something we’re born as, then suddenly Choice vs. Nature becomes a much deeper discussion than we thought.

8 Common Misconceptions About Polyamory
It’s time to disabuse yourself of the misconceptions you didn’t know you had.

5 Benefits Of Polyamory (That You Didn’t Expect)
Whatever led you to polyamory, I believe you are going to find that the most rewarding and satisfying things you will find are not what you were expecting.
And so here are 5 things I have gained from polyamory that I never saw coming.

10 Words You Should Know Coming Into Polyamory
Coming into a new community can be confusing when you don’t know the terminology everyone is using. So here are 10 words you should know going in.

Using Polyamory To Take Control Of Your Own Happiness
You should never give up your ego to find love. Because when we don’t have control of our own egos, they fuel our insecurities and lead us to form unhealthy relationships.

Dismantling the “No Monogamy Allowed” Clubhouse
The “Polyamory vs Monogamy” mindset is dangerous. Neither lifestyle is inherently better than the other. Let’s break down why.

It’s Not All Threesomes and Free Love: Figuring Out How to Be Polyamorous
Stepping into polyamory is stepping into the unknown. Or, at the very least, stepping into the only vaguely understood. And when you see all sorts of people representing the best side of non-monogamy — people who seem to have created the perfect life that you are aspiring to — it can be easy to feel that you are something “doing it wrong”.

What To Do When Your Partner Is Dating Other People, But You’re Not
When I was first exploring non-monogamy with my partner, we had very different experiences. While she found plenty of interest, I was left with none.

Red Flags We Need To Recognise in Polyamory
So you’ve decided that polyamory is for you. Life is good. Except, of course, when the people you meet either don’t know what they’re doing or just don’t care.

Polyamory Week 2021: How Do Break-Ups Work In Polyamory?
Breaking up affects everyone involved, and in non-monogamy, there are more people involved than we’re used to.

Polyamory Week 2021: Envy and Imbalanced Relationships
Couples often find polyamory at different speeds, and you need to be prepared to deal with jealousy.

Polyamory Week 2021: Red Flags
What are the most common red flags in polyamory? Because being polyamorous doesn’t mean you can avoid getting hurt in relationships.

Polyamory Week 2021: The People Who Pick Sides
Neither Polyamory nor Monogamy is inherently better than the other, and some people need to stop seeing it as a battle that needs to be fought.

Polyamory Week 2021: Hiding Your Polyamory
We should all be proud and open about who we are. But sometimes there are reasons people need to keep parts of themselves a secret.

Polyamory Week 2021: How The Hell Do You “Polyamory”, Anyway?
Stepping into polyamory is stepping into the unknown. Or, at the very least, stepping into the only vaguely understood. It can be easy to feel that you are something “doing it wrong”.

Polyamory Week 2021
This year I’m going to delve a little into the darker side of polyamory and all the missteps, misconceptions, and misadventures that await you.

Get Ready for Polyamory Week 2021
From February 9th to 15th, check here Polyamory Week 2021.

Polyamory Week 2020 - The Future
It's the last day of Polyamory Week 2020. So where are things headed for me going forward?

Polyamory Week 2020 - I Don't Do Valentine's Day
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I’d just like to say I hate Valentine’s Day.

Polyamory Week 2020 - “More Than Two” by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert
There is no clear and easy resource to tell you how to “do” ethical non-monogamy. And just because someone’s been involved in the scene longer doesn’t mean they know more than you, or are necessarily doing it “better”.