Polyamory Week 2020 - My Polyamory
Part of the reason for engaging with Polyamory Week was to fill people in about our situation. Frankie and I decided we weren’t going to make a big deal about what we’re doing. But it’s also something we want to celebrate.

Polyamory Week 2020 - What Polyamory means to me
Polyamory means different things to different people.
For me, polyamory is the freedom of possibility. In short, it opens up new experiences to explore the world without traditional views becoming barriers.

Polyamory Week 2020 - What is Polyamory?
I’m going to start with the assumption everyone reading this understands monogamy, being the standard default relationship in western culture. So default, in fact, that a lot of people never even consider there being alternatives.

Polyamory Week 2020
I’m proud of my life, the choices I’ve made, and the people that those choices have led me to. I will never be a polyamory-evangelist, but I love the idea of spreading awareness of the lifestyle.