Yes, You Can Feel Jealousy and Compersion at the Same Time
You don't need to wait until you've defeated jealousy before you can start enjoying ethical non-monogamy.

Will Having Sex With a Friend Ruin Your Friendship?
Everyone knows you can’t have sex with a friend without ruining that friendship. Right? If you have sexual feelings towards a friend, it can only mean one of two things: either your feelings for them are stronger than you're admitting, or what you’re actually feeling is sexual attraction, not friendship.
But, in fact, science shows that 74% of people who do find their friendships only grow stronger.

Let’s Talk About Platonic Romance
I’ve long been a proponent of platonic romance. The only reason people find it strange is because of a lack of understanding and education about relationships and the puritanical idea that romance and sex must be reserved for a single person.
So, let’s talk about platonic romance.

What is “Polybombing”?
There is a difference between "polybombing" and "dropping the poly bomb", and it's important to know which is which.

What is a One Penis Policy, And Why is it Bad?
Believe it or not, there is a difference between a One Penis Policy and a relationship dynamic with only one penis.

Polyamory Does Not Equal Consent
If you have ever had a partner use an argument along the lines of "Well, you agreed to an open relationship, so what I did was fine," then they are not thinking about you as a person but as a tool to fulfil their needs and fantasies.
They are not looking at you as a human being but as an object to be manipulated and used.

Should You Date Someone New to Polyamory?
Everyone needs to start their polyamory journey somewhere, but who takes on responsibility for teaching them?

Healthy Reasons to Explore Polyamory: Exploring and Developing your Identity
While it’s important to recognise that there are many unhealthy reasons to begin exploring polyamory, these are outweighed many times over by the valid and healthy reasons there are to start this journey, either alone or with a partner.
So let’s take a look at one of the many reasons to explore polyamory: Exploring and developing your identity.

How to Deal With Jealousy in Polyamory
What’s the trick to dealing with jealousy in polyamory? How do we go about combatting that nasty feeling that holds us back from experiencing the joys of compersion?

Healthy Reasons to Explore Polyamory: Fulfilling Your Needs
While it’s important to recognise that there are many unhealthy reasons to begin exploring polyamory, these are outweighed many times over by the valid and healthy reasons there are to start this journey, either alone or with a partner.
So let’s take a look at one of the many reasons to explore polyamory: Fulfilling your and your partners’ needs.

What is Parallel Polyamory?
While some people love the idea of combining their polycules into one big happy family (often known as Kitchen Table Polyamory), others prefer to keep each relationship as a separate entity where their partners know about each other but have no desire to spend time together as a unit. This is called "Parallel Polyamory".

Healthy Reasons to Explore Polyamory: An Expression of Political Values
While it’s important to recognise that there are many unhealthy reasons to begin exploring polyamory, these are outweighed many times over by the valid and healthy reasons there are to start this journey, either alone or with a partner.
So let’s take a look at one of the many reasons to explore polyamory: An expression of political values.

Healthy Reasons to Explore Polyamory: An Exploration of Identity
While it’s important to recognise that there are many unhealthy reasons to begin exploring polyamory, these are outweighed many times over by the valid and healthy reasons there are to start this journey, either alone or with a partner.
So let’s take a look at one of the many reasons to explore polyamory: The desire to explore your identity.

Dating a Couple vs Being in a Triad
Joining a couple in their bed is one thing. Dating a couple is something else. And joining them in a Triad is a whole other thing entirely! And if you’re not clear on the differences, you’re putting yourself at risk of heartbreak.

How to Find Compersion in Polyamory
Compersion in polyamory may be difficult, but it is never impossible. And, if you do the work and open yourself to the idea, then compersion may appear when you least expect it.

Celebrating the New Polyamory Pride Flag
In case you missed it, we have a new Polyamory Pride Flag (courtesy of the team at polyamproud. So let’s take a look at the history of the Polyamory Pride Flag and why it’s important.

Is it Okay to Keep Being Polyamorous a Secret?
Is it okay to keep being polyamorous a secret?
Everyone gets to choose how open they are. And unfortunately, sometimes people have no choice but to hide their polyamory from the world for their own safety.

6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Try Polyamory
Like so many things in life, if you come into polyamory for the wrong reasons, your journey will be forever tainted. You can't build a house on a bad foundation, and a relationship is no different. You'll never find happiness in a relationship if you began it for the wrong reasons.

Is Polyamory Cheating?
It's a question many of us find distasteful, so often do we hear it. But as much as we hate hearing it, it can't be denied it's an understandable mistake. So let’s take a look at it, shall we?