The Different Types of Polyamory
It’s vital to know the different types of polyamory because the reason you might believe polyamory doesn’t work might be because you simply don’t know there is more than one option available.

Review: “The Ethical Slut (3rd Ed.)” by Janet W. Hardy & Dossie Easton
When a piece of media is so iconic, when it is so prolific on bookshelves across the polyamorous community, it creates an incredibly high standard that all but challenges me to find flaws. Could The Ethical Slut really be as good as everyone says?
Yes. Yes, it could. I just don’t think it’s actually about polyamory.

What’s The Best Way To Get Into Polyamory?
What sort of relationship is the best if you want your journey into polyamory is start off on the right foot?

Review: “Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hook-Ups, Love, Porn, Consent and Navigating the New Masculinity” by Peggy Orenstein
In “Boys & Sex”, Peggy Orenstein presents an honest, raw, and oftentimes heartbreaking exploration of how modern sex and relationship culture affects boys and young men. If you are a man looking to build better relationships, then this book is the step you need to take to better understand yourself.

The Dangers of Fetishising Sexuality in Polyamory
A reminder to straight men (and others) that your partner’s sexuality isn’t about your pleasure.

Why Do We All Hate Unicorn Hunters?
What are Unicorn Hunters, why do they have such a bad reputation, and why might they not deserve it?

Review: “Is Monogamy Dead?” by Rosie Wilby
I've always argued that sometimes you can only learn more about certain things, such as relationships, when you look at them from a new angle, and this is exactly what Wilby gives us; an open and non-judgemental exploration of non-monogamy from a monogamous viewpoint.

Review: “polywise: A Deeper Dive in Navigating Open Relationships” By Jessica Fern with David Cooley
Between this book and her previous book, polysecure, I have become a big fan of Jessica Fern's work. And of the two, in my opinion, polywise is the superior book, offering easy-to-digest breakdowns of some of the root causes of the problems many of us suffer through when opening up our relationships and the advice and frameworks needed to navigate them.

Why It’s Vital For Everyone to Learn About Polyamory
It’s time to deconstruct modern relationships and create something healthier and more ethical (even when it’s monogamous)

What do you do When Your Partner Goes Through a Breakup?
Polyamorous breakups are difficult. Things are going to change, but you have to remember this is not about you.

Should You Date Someone New to Polyamory?
Everyone needs to start their polyamory journey somewhere, but who takes on responsibility for teaching them?

Healthy Reasons to Explore Polyamory: Exploring and Developing your Identity
While it’s important to recognise that there are many unhealthy reasons to begin exploring polyamory, these are outweighed many times over by the valid and healthy reasons there are to start this journey, either alone or with a partner.
So let’s take a look at one of the many reasons to explore polyamory: Exploring and developing your identity.

How to Deal With Jealousy in Polyamory
What’s the trick to dealing with jealousy in polyamory? How do we go about combatting that nasty feeling that holds us back from experiencing the joys of compersion?

Healthy Reasons to Explore Polyamory: Fulfilling Your Needs
While it’s important to recognise that there are many unhealthy reasons to begin exploring polyamory, these are outweighed many times over by the valid and healthy reasons there are to start this journey, either alone or with a partner.
So let’s take a look at one of the many reasons to explore polyamory: Fulfilling your and your partners’ needs.

What is Parallel Polyamory?
While some people love the idea of combining their polycules into one big happy family (often known as Kitchen Table Polyamory), others prefer to keep each relationship as a separate entity where their partners know about each other but have no desire to spend time together as a unit. This is called "Parallel Polyamory".

Healthy Reasons to Explore Polyamory: An Expression of Political Values
While it’s important to recognise that there are many unhealthy reasons to begin exploring polyamory, these are outweighed many times over by the valid and healthy reasons there are to start this journey, either alone or with a partner.
So let’s take a look at one of the many reasons to explore polyamory: An expression of political values.

Healthy Reasons to Explore Polyamory: An Exploration of Identity
While it’s important to recognise that there are many unhealthy reasons to begin exploring polyamory, these are outweighed many times over by the valid and healthy reasons there are to start this journey, either alone or with a partner.
So let’s take a look at one of the many reasons to explore polyamory: The desire to explore your identity.

Dating a Couple vs Being in a Triad
Joining a couple in their bed is one thing. Dating a couple is something else. And joining them in a Triad is a whole other thing entirely! And if you’re not clear on the differences, you’re putting yourself at risk of heartbreak.

How to Find Compersion in Polyamory
Compersion in polyamory may be difficult, but it is never impossible. And, if you do the work and open yourself to the idea, then compersion may appear when you least expect it.

Dealing with Jealousy in Polyamory
I’ll let you into a little secret. Jealousy doesn’t have to rule your life. While we might not be able to avoid it, there’s a trick you can learn to dismantle the power it has over you.