What is Parallel Polyamory?
While some people love the idea of combining their polycules into one big happy family (often known as Kitchen Table Polyamory), others prefer to keep each relationship as a separate entity where their partners know about each other but have no desire to spend time together as a unit. This is called "Parallel Polyamory".

Polyamory Week 2022 - We are all polyamorous
And today, for our last post, I wanted to talk about one of the most universal lessons I've taken on board: the fact we are all polyamorous.

Polyamory Week 2022 - Monogamy and Polyamory are the same thing
There’s a big secret about the polyamorous lifestyle. And I believe I’ve uncovered it. And, once you know it, it blows the whole monogamy versus polyamory debate wide open.
Polyamory and monogamy are the same thing!

Polyamory Week 2022 - Relationships Skills = Universal Life Skills
How I came to the realisation that my job had taught me the skills needed for polyamory.

Polyamory Week 2022 - The Hidden Truth About Breakups
How ethical non-monogamy and the end of my marriage taught me the truth about how to live through a breakup.

What To Do When Your Partner Is Dating Other People, But You’re Not
When I was first exploring non-monogamy with my partner, we had very different experiences. While she found plenty of interest, I was left with none.

Polyamory Week 2021: How Do Break-Ups Work In Polyamory?
Breaking up affects everyone involved, and in non-monogamy, there are more people involved than we’re used to.

Polyamory Week 2020 - What is Polyamory?
I’m going to start with the assumption everyone reading this understands monogamy, being the standard default relationship in western culture. So default, in fact, that a lot of people never even consider there being alternatives.