What Is Hierarchical Polyamory (And Is It Toxic)?
While Hierarchical Polyamory can be used as a tool of control, I don't believe it is inherently toxic. It is possible to create healthy, ethical, hierarchical polyamorous relationships. But that can only work if people understand what they are getting into.
So, let's take a moment to explore the concept of Hierarchical Polyamory and whether or not it's always unethical.

Why Do We All Hate Unicorn Hunters?
What are Unicorn Hunters, why do they have such a bad reputation, and why might they not deserve it?

Why It’s Vital For Everyone to Learn About Polyamory
It’s time to deconstruct modern relationships and create something healthier and more ethical (even when it’s monogamous)

The Question Needed To Begin A Healthy Polyamorous Relationship
How to express and understand what you are looking for at the start of a new polyamorous relationship.

Let’s Talk About Platonic Romance
I’ve long been a proponent of platonic romance. The only reason people find it strange is because of a lack of understanding and education about relationships and the puritanical idea that romance and sex must be reserved for a single person.
So, let’s talk about platonic romance.

Polyamory Does Not Equal Consent
If you have ever had a partner use an argument along the lines of "Well, you agreed to an open relationship, so what I did was fine," then they are not thinking about you as a person but as a tool to fulfil their needs and fantasies.
They are not looking at you as a human being but as an object to be manipulated and used.

Dating a Couple vs Being in a Triad
Joining a couple in their bed is one thing. Dating a couple is something else. And joining them in a Triad is a whole other thing entirely! And if you’re not clear on the differences, you’re putting yourself at risk of heartbreak.

How to Find Compersion in Polyamory
Compersion in polyamory may be difficult, but it is never impossible. And, if you do the work and open yourself to the idea, then compersion may appear when you least expect it.