What is a Polycule?
When we begin our journey into polyamory, there is an awful lot to learn. And that includes a whole new vocabulary. And one of the words I had not heard before beginning this journey was "polycule".
So, let's take a moment to talk about polycules, what they are, and what it means to be part of one.

What Is Hierarchical Polyamory (And Is It Toxic)?
While Hierarchical Polyamory can be used as a tool of control, I don't believe it is inherently toxic. It is possible to create healthy, ethical, hierarchical polyamorous relationships. But that can only work if people understand what they are getting into.
So, let's take a moment to explore the concept of Hierarchical Polyamory and whether or not it's always unethical.

The Dangers of Fetishising Sexuality in Polyamory
A reminder to straight men (and others) that your partner’s sexuality isn’t about your pleasure.

Why Do We All Hate Unicorn Hunters?
What are Unicorn Hunters, why do they have such a bad reputation, and why might they not deserve it?