Review: “Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hook-Ups, Love, Porn, Consent and Navigating the New Masculinity” by Peggy Orenstein
In “Boys & Sex”, Peggy Orenstein presents an honest, raw, and oftentimes heartbreaking exploration of how modern sex and relationship culture affects boys and young men. If you are a man looking to build better relationships, then this book is the step you need to take to better understand yourself.

The Dangers of Fetishising Sexuality in Polyamory
A reminder to straight men (and others) that your partner’s sexuality isn’t about your pleasure.

Polyamory Does Not Equal Consent
If you have ever had a partner use an argument along the lines of "Well, you agreed to an open relationship, so what I did was fine," then they are not thinking about you as a person but as a tool to fulfil their needs and fantasies.
They are not looking at you as a human being but as an object to be manipulated and used.