Why It’s Vital For Everyone to Learn About Polyamory
It’s time to deconstruct modern relationships and create something healthier and more ethical (even when it’s monogamous)

Is Monogamy Always Toxic?
Does monogamy’s history mean it can never be anything other than a tool of the Patriarchy?

Does Monogamy Even Exist?
It might be time to change the way we define relationships and step away from traditional ideas.

Polyamory Week 2022 - Monogamy and Polyamory are the same thing
There’s a big secret about the polyamorous lifestyle. And I believe I’ve uncovered it. And, once you know it, it blows the whole monogamy versus polyamory debate wide open.
Polyamory and monogamy are the same thing!

Dismantling the “No Monogamy Allowed” Clubhouse
The “Polyamory vs Monogamy” mindset is dangerous. Neither lifestyle is inherently better than the other. Let’s break down why.

Polyamory Week 2021: The People Who Pick Sides
Neither Polyamory nor Monogamy is inherently better than the other, and some people need to stop seeing it as a battle that needs to be fought.

Polyamory Week 2021: Hiding Your Polyamory
We should all be proud and open about who we are. But sometimes there are reasons people need to keep parts of themselves a secret.

Polyamory Week 2021: How The Hell Do You “Polyamory”, Anyway?
Stepping into polyamory is stepping into the unknown. Or, at the very least, stepping into the only vaguely understood. It can be easy to feel that you are something “doing it wrong”.

Polyamory Week 2021
This year I’m going to delve a little into the darker side of polyamory and all the missteps, misconceptions, and misadventures that await you.